Treebo Elite City Upper Bazar

Upper Bazar, Ranchi

About Treebo Elite City Upper Bazar

Planning to travel to Ranchi? How about booking a super-comfortable room at Treebo Elite City Upper Bazar? All the rooms at this hotel are amply furnished, and thoroughly sanitized as per Treebo’s safety shield standards. With all the amenities offered, be assured that your stay will be safe and pleasant. The points of transit close to Treebo Elite City Upper Bazar are Ranchi Railway Station (4 km), ITI Bus Stand (3 km), and Birsa Munda Airport (11 km). This couple-friendly hotel boasts of some top-class amenities like limited parking that can accommodate 8 two-wheelers and 8 four-wheelers, a well-furnished lobby, an elevator, a fully-stocked pantry, public washroom, a cloakroom, an in-house restaurant, room service, round the clock security, a third-party laundry service (on chargeable-basis), and a lot more. This hotel has a total of 16 rooms, each furnished with a bed, a wardrobe, a luggage shelf, a set of study table and chair, a sofa chair, a mini-fridge, a room lock, a TV, an AC, and a lot more. Each room has an attached restroom, wherein hot water is available 24x7. There are shower curtains, a set of bucket and mug, and Treebo’s complimentary toiletries available in each room. A complimentary breakfast of Maharashtrian and South Indian cuisines is served in the restaurant area every morning. The hotel also offers each guest free access to the hotel’s high-speed WiFi. This hotel also accepts wallet payments, as well as payments made through American Express Cards. Some of the very popular tourist attractions close to Treebo Elite City Upper Bazar are Ranchi Hill (1 km), Ranchi Lake (950 m), Hiramani Ghaat (1.3 km), Goutam Buddha Statue (2.7 km), Nigam Park (2.2 km), Kanke Dam Park (3.6 km), Tribal Museum (4.2 km), and Mountain Series (7.2 km). For a quick bite, you can head to Prana Lounge (550 m), Veeraswamy Cafe (2.4 km), Al Diwan (2.5 km), Amigos (1.6 km), and Lazeez Restaurant (2.6 km). The hospitals close to this hotel are Nagar Nigam Devkamal Hospital (950 m), Candy Hill Hospital and Research Centre (2.3 km), Bhagwan Mahavir Hospital and Research Centre (1.1 km), Santevita Hospital (2.1 km), and Orchid Medical Centre (2.9 km). Treebo Elite City Upper Bazar has an inventory of 16 rooms of Maple and Mahogany categories.
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    Some tourist sites guests can easily visit from the hotel are Ranchi Hill, Ranchi Lake, Hiramani Ghaat, and Goutam Buddha Statue
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    Quite close to the hotel are some major transit points like Ranchi Railway Station, ITI Bus Stand and Birsa Munda Airport
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    Mini-fridge in all the rooms
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Location of Treebo Elite City Upper Bazar

Pinjra Pole, Harmu Road, Upper Bazar, Ranchi, Jharkhand 834001
Treebo Elite City Upper Bazar - Upper Bazar

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does Treebo Elite City have a restaurant?
Treebo Ranchi Team | 4th Apr, 2023
Yes, Treebo Elite City has an in-house restaurant.
Treebo Ranchi Team | 4th Apr, 2023
Does Treebo Elite City have any parking facilities?
Treebo Ranchi Team | 4th Apr, 2023
Yes, Treebo Elite City has a parking facility available. The parking space can accommodate 8 two-wheelers and 8 four-wheelers.
Treebo Ranchi Team | 4th Apr, 2023
Does Treebo Elite City Upper Bazar Ranchi offer full refund on cancellation?
Treebo Ranchi Team | 4th Apr, 2023
Guests can cancel their booking at Treebo Elite City Upper Bazar Ranchi for free up to 24 hours before the scheduled check-in time. Cancellations made after this time will not be eligible for a refund. However, policies may change depending upon season and other occasions, it is recommended to please check the policy section at the time of booking.
Treebo Ranchi Team | 4th Apr, 2023
Is Treebo Elite City couple friendly?
Treebo Ranchi Team | 4th Apr, 2023
No, Treebo Elite City is not couple friendly.
Treebo Ranchi Team | 4th Apr, 2023
What are some popular amenities available in Treebo Elite City?
Treebo Ranchi Team | 4th Apr, 2023
Some popular amenities available at Treebo Elite City are Banquet, Room Service, Pantry & Security..
Treebo Ranchi Team | 4th Apr, 2023
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