About Treebo Premium Royal Amar With Mountain View, 2 Km From Pushkar Lake
Pushkar is known for its rich heritage and exuberant culture. Treebo Premium Royal Amar With Mountain View, 2 Km From Pushkar Lake is a beautiful property located in the heart of the city. A stay here will promise a uniquely refreshing experience to all. Furthermore, to keep a check on your safety, the hotel ensures hygiene under Treebo Hygiene Sheild Safety for a safe and sanitized stay. The closest transit points from Treebo Premium Royal Amar With Mountain View, 2 Km From Pushkar Lake are Pushkar Bus Stand (1.7km), Ajmer Junction (13km), Kishangarh Airport (46.5km). To locate the property the nearest popular landmarks are HDFC Bank and Gurudwara Sahib which are located within 1km from the property. This 4-star modernly constructed property has a fully furnished air-conditioned lobby with a smoke alarm and a cloakroom. Some other amenities are a fully stocked pantry, driver’s quarter, an elevator for easy commutation within the property, which is backed with the best of amenities. The best amenities include limited parking that can accommodate 10 two-wheelers and 10 four-wheelers, a flexible payment gateway, private cabs available on a chargeable basis, a public washroom, swimming pool. The complimentary services include breakfast, Wifi, 24*7 room service, security, and branded Treebo toiletries. The hotel is backed with the room inventory of 30 rooms spread across 3 floors. The rooms are further categorized into 05 Oak, 14 Maple, and 1 Mahogany.
There are some major transit points nearby like Pushkar Bus Stand and Ajmer Junction
The hotel has a swimming pool and restaurant
The tourist sites nearby are Brahma Temple and Pushkar shopping Streets
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