About Treebo Sidhartha Elite
The Temple City of India is all set with its best property to host you. Treebo Sidhartha Eliteis a one-of-a-kind property-backed with the best amenities. A stay here will definitely add a star to your travel cap. A stay here will surely quench your thirst for comfort with amenities. Furthermore, the hotel ensures sanitation under Treebo Hygiene Shield safety standards. A stay here will quadruple your fun trip. To locate the hotel the nearest landmarks are Axis Bank & V2 Mall which is within the vicinity of 1km from the property. The nearest important transit points are Bijjupattnaik International Airport (10.6km), Bhubaneshwar Railway Station (12.4km). This beautiful property is located at a busy thoroughfare which is very close to the main tourist attractions, shopping streets, and transit points. Hotel Siddharth Elite is backed with the best amenities, it has a fully furnished air-conditioned lobby with a smoke alarm, an elevator for easy commutation within the property, a fully-stocked pantry, laundry facilities, and flexible payment gateways. There is a limited onsite parking facility as well. The complimentary services include Wifi, 24*7 room service, fresh flavorsome breakfast, and branded Treebo toiletries. However, there is no restaurant in the hotel. The room inventory of the hotel is 20 rooms spread across 3 floors. The rooms are further categorized into 06 Oak and 14 Maple.
Some places of importance include AIIMS, Royal Enfield, Godrej, and Dabur India that are close by
The Biju Patnaik Airport and railway station are close to the hotel
Malls and tourist spots like Khandagiri and Udayagiri caves are nearby
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